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We provide the only forum for health workers, lawyers and interested associates, independently of their respective professional organizations, to discuss and debate matters of mutual interest.


Subscription of Membership

Our main members are health and law professionals.


Other professionals & enrolled students of health and law fields may become associate members.


Individuals who play a key role in supporting activities of the MESE may become honorable members.

Ethiopians residing both at home and abroad may become honorable members provided they subscribe to the objectives of the MESE.


Institutions & organizations are eligible for honorable membership, provided they subscribes to the objectives, policies and activities of the MESE and satisfies such other requirements as the General Assembly may, from time to time determine.

Rights and Responsibilities of Members

Upon admission to the MESE, a member shall sign a form agreeing to be bound by the current bylaw in force or as amended from time to time.

Any main and honorary member, who is up-to-date and who qualifies his/her obligation has the right to express his/her views and attend all meetings held by the MESE. But, the right to Vote, Elect and be elected is reserved for main Members.

Any paid-up member has the right to be informed of the activities of the MESE.

Every member shall have only one vote in all meetings. A member can exercise his voting right by proxy at meetings of the General Assembly. The instrument by which the proxy is appointed shall be in writing, dated and signed by the appointee. A person to be appointed as a proxy must be a member of the General Assembly, as the case may be. Such a member may hold only one proxy.

Obligation of Main Members

If a member who is terminated from membership wants to return back as a member, he/she should apply in writing. Among other issues, the application letter includes payment of all membership fees, and arrears due to the member and that he/she is willing to undertake and sign a form set by the MESE for the purpose.

Neither membership subscription nor dues are refunded for a member who resigned or terminated from membership.

Membership shall terminate on the following conditions:

1. When a member die

2. When a member fails to pay his/her membership dues for 2 (two) consecutive years

3. When resigns from membership in writing

4. When it is established by the General Assembly that a member has failed to abide by the rules and objectives of the MESE

5. When dismissed by the General Assembly for conduct contrary to the MESE bylaw or dismissed by the Court of Law

6. When the License of the member is revoked because of fraud contrary to professional ethics

7. When a member is criminally punished because of scandals/fraud.

Termination and Renewal of Membership

Membership fees are payable annually. The amount of annual subscription shall be as determined by the General Assembly from time to time. The subscription shall be payable within 6 (six) months of the budget year (January-June) and it is for that calendar year within which it is paid. 

Registration fee: 100 birr

Annual subscription fee: 600 birr

Any member must:-

1. Attend meetings

2. Pay annual membership fee

3. Pay all debts due to him/her when leaves the MESE.

4. Contribute towards the fulfillment of the objectives of the MESE and must abide by the MESE bylaws and adhere to the code of ethics.


       +251 91  198 3005 / +251 93  496 4318

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