8 National Conference IMLEACON’22 will be held in Indore on 24 & 25th December.
The hybrid conference is expected to discuss various medicolegal topics including:
Qualified Medical Professional vs the doctor google
Medico legal issues in Infertility
The role of national education policy-2020 in medical education & it's benefits
Crosspathy practice: Medicolegal aspects
Consumer Protection Act 2019
Consent ! Is It so vital?
Alleged Medical Negligence : Key points from legal notice up to Supreme Court
Medical Prescription: Be Aware of Medico Legal Issues
My lords cannot go wrong, Art & Science of Prevention of Violence at Medical Workplace
The art of safe Medical Practice
Gurukul Medical Education
Unexpected still birth – Medicolegal issues, how to explain ?
Road traffic accidents in India: Medicolegal Perspective
Death on Operation Table, What now ?
Record keeping – How long to keep, best forms of records.
For more information, see the attached brochure.

Dear Dr Melkamu Sir,
My best wishes to you always ..You are doing a wonderful work in the Medicolegal field and your sincere efforts are laudable..I can foresee MESE scaling great heights under your able guidance..
Dr Ashish Jain