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The provision of effective and efficient services by “filling the gap & building up”, a long-term perspective, one in which the ongoing confidence of members, clients and stakeholders in the MESE’s ability to deliver that service is paramount.


This strategic plan charts the society’s way ahead through a changing environment and strengthens the essential role of the MESE in the healthcare & medicolegal system of Ethiopia. Reflecting on the MESE’s need assessment and the dynamic nature of the environment in which we provide service, the plan achieves an appropriate balance between operations and change capacity.

VISION: Our place in Ethiopia

The MESE is valued as an essential component of the healthcare and medicolegal system. 

MISSION: Our Reasons for Being


Improve medicolegal & ethical knowledge; Promote patient safety & the right to health.

Our Strategy

Filling the gaps & Building up


Our strategy reflects the society’s unrelenting focus on capacity building and system change; our emphasis on the importance of working with stakeholders to effect positive and sustainable improvements in the healthcare and medicolegal system. Our core values define and guide all of the society’s actions and decisions.


Guided by the MESE vision and mission, our strategy of filling the gaps & building up seeks to achieve three long-term outcomes: Assist health & legal professionals, contribute to safe healthcare, and support the medicolegal system.


The medium-term objectives act together to direct the society’s progress toward the long-term outcomes, while the strategic change initiatives form the foundation for annual operational and change management planning. The success indicators provide a basis for ongoing performance measurement. The society is committed to the transparent reporting of our progress in meeting our performance goals and executing our strategic change initiatives.




1. Assist health & legal professionals

Although they often go their separate ways, when health and law professionals work together, they can be a much more powerful influence on society than when they act separately or simply advocate for their own self-interest. The MESE advances the inter-relationships between medicine and law, provide a forum for dialogue and mutual understanding between members of both professions and assist integration of law into the healthcare system to address the legal needs of health workers as well as patients, and to advance the right to health.


The MESE provides capacity building service for matters arising from the professional practice, topics of public interest and high relevance. Our continuum of support includes education and, in response to medicolegal & ethical, patient safety and the right to health issues, advice & support to enhance professional confidence.

2. Contribute to Safe Healthcare

In support of a high quality, effective and patient centered healthcare, the MESE contributes to safe medical care to reduce errors and harm resulting from the provision of care. The MESE contributes, in collaboration with stakeholders, to safe medical care by leveraging our knowledge and expertise to identify risks, analyze their causes, and develop and deliver safe care strategies. The Society actively promotes policies, programs, and practices, and shares data, analyses, and strategies to contribute to the provision of quality and safe healthcare services.

3. Support the Medicolegal System  

The MESE supports an effective and sustainable medicolegal system that meets the requirements of national and international standards. By supporting the availability of reliable medical law and legal medicine service, an effective and sustainable medicolegal system is an essential element of a well-functioning healthcare system. The MESE works with stakeholders to advance collaborative approaches to improve medicolegal services.



1. Deliver up-to-date medicolegal and ethical knowledge

Members and stakeholders turn to the MESE as a trusted source of evidence-based, reliable, and high-quality knowledge when medicolegal, ethical, patient safety and the right to health issues arise from their professional work. They rely on the society to identify knowledge gaps and filling through training, research, and professional development strategies. The MESE will effectively and efficiently deliver standard education, advice, and assistance that, within our mutuality framework, meets needs.


2. Adapt services to meet evolving medicolegal, ethical and patient safety needs

Within a changing healthcare and medicolegal environment, clients' needs can also be expected to change. Guided by a deep, data-driven understanding, the MESE will evolve product and service offerings to reflect current and forecast changes in member & stakeholder needs.

3. Advance safety improvements to reduce patient harm in healthcare  

The MESE substantively contributes to the reduction in medical errors and the likelihood and impact of harm from healthcare. In collaboration with stakeholders, the MESE will develop, deliver, promote and implement patient safety strategies at all levels.  


4. Affect healthcare environment by positively influencing key legislation, regulation and policies

Members and stakeholders count on the MESE to offer meaningful and valued input to influence legislation, regulations, and policies that impact the healthcare environment. The MESE will provide fact-based perspectives and advocate for sustainable changes in the best interests of healthcare providers and their patients.​

5. Demonstrate organizational resiliency in responding to a changing environment

In a dynamic and changing environment, the MESE demonstrates organizational resilience and adaptability in mitigating threats and leveraging opportunities that could materially affect the achievement of our strategic objectives. The society will employ cost-effective technologies, a skilled and enabled workforce, and sound governance and management to engender member and stakeholder confidence in our internal capacity and capabilities.

Core Values: The ideas we live by

Our Commitment:


MESE members are responsible to their fellows and the society to act in a manner consistent with the values of their profession, and in accordance with the existing obligations of the MESE bylaw and other obligations determined by the general assembly and executive council.

Discretionary assistance

The MESE extends assistance to members who experience difficulties from their professional work, based on the facts and circumstances of that particular situation. This allows flexibility in the service provided rather than denying assistance based on defined policies.


Service excellence

Through innovative multidisciplinary practice (MDP), the MESE provides members and stakeholders with a broad range of relevant and high-quality services, in an empathic and non-judgmental manner. MESE strive to be the best and work continuously to improve performance and exceed expectations.

Responsible stewardship

The MESE operates in accordance with sound governance and management practice that support prudent administration of the resources entrusted to it.


The MESE does the right things at the right time and place; focuses on the best interests of members, clients and stakeholders.   



We are individually and collectively responsible for the work we do and for the outcomes and experience of every client and stakeholder, every day.


MESE honor the right to privacy and confidentiality, value differences among people, actively listen, encourage feedback and choose the best way to deliver timely and meaningful service.



We are dedicated to providing high quality service. This is our commitment and it permeates every aspect of the society’s work, from our assistance philosophy, to our products and services, and to our trusted relationship with them. The MESE will:


1. Deliver relevant and valued knowledge


We are committed to remaining relevant to and valued by our members, clients & stakeholders. We listen to their needs, understand the evolving healthcare & medicolegal environment, and adapt our assistance.


2. Offer caring and meaningful support


We are committed to supporting their wellbeing through the provision of informed and compassionate education, advice, and assistance by our experts, and by advocating for programs that support their safety & wellness.


3. Provide an outstanding experience


We are committed to delivering a positive experience through transparent communication, and enhanced and easy access to our services.




As an essential component of the healthcare, the MESE is committed to advancing improvements that enhance the safety of care and support long-term system sustainability. The MESE will:


1. Advance improvements in the safety of healthcare


We are committed to contributing to the safe delivery of healthcare, including through forging innovative partnerships and alliances. We will leverage our expertise to advance evidence-based solutions and share our knowledge to improve safety and reduce patient harm.


2. Support an effective and efficient healthcare system 


We are committed to advocating for appropriate system reforms that sustain delivery of safe healthcare and improved legal medicine services.

3. Act as a responsible steward


We are committed to the responsible stewardship of resources and the effective and efficient delivery of services.


As an essential component of the legal system, the MESE is committed to advancing improvements that enhance medical law and legal medicine practices, integration of law and medicine and support long-term system sustainability. The MESE will:

1. Advance improvements in the medical malpractice litigation process


We are committed to contributing to the enhancement of competencies to address the litigation and complaint process, including through education, research and forging innovative partnerships and alliances. We will leverage our expertise to advance evidence-based solutions and share our knowledge to improve litigation and complaint process.

2. Support an effective and efficient medicolegal system


We are committed to advocating for appropriate legal & system reforms that sustain delivery of fast and fair justice, including those improvements related to legal/ethical duties and responsibilities as well as court’s decision-making role in clinical practice.


3. Act as a responsible steward


We are committed to the responsible stewardship of resources and the effective and efficient delivery of services.

Professional Development

The MESE draws on its extensive expertise to provide members and clients with timely, relevant professional development opportunities on medicolegal, ethics, patient safety & the right to health topics.

The MESE supports members & clients through articles, publications, education and training products and events such as conferences and symposia, eLearning, and the good practices guide. 

MESE in Focus

Because knowledge and practice are continuously changing and adapting, our research and policy teams monitor emerging issues and look for trends that can impact professionals, institutions and the system. Our research and education activities are often conducted in collaboration with stakeholders who share our commitment to improve the health and medicolegal system of Ethiopia.  


MESE research and analysis also helps institutions & organizations to develop their own educational programs and establish guidelines more relevant to their needs.

How the MESE Provides Value

At the MESE, we believe in a system that provides quality services, is efficient and effective in its delivery, and is sustainable for the future. To achieve this, we provide value to the healthcare & medicolegal system by:


DELIVERING education, advice, and assistance

SUPPORTING through evidence-based products and services

PROVIDING timely, appropriate and Up-to-date references

COLLABORATING with stakeholders and leveraging our experience and perspective to effect positive change 

ADVANCING innovative solutions to meet evolving needs


       +251 91  198 3005 / +251 93  496 4318

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